Newsroom Veranstaltungen Team & Kontakt

Guided city tours

Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, we offer a guided tour of the city in the traces of Nazi forced labor in Weimar.

The picture shows a city map of Weimar with two people standing in front of it, one to the right and left respectively. The person on the right is pointing to the centre of the map.
Preparation of a city tour using historical maps, 2023.

The city tours take place every second and fourth Saturday of the month (March - October) at 1 pm.

The group size is limited to 30 participants. The recommended minimum age is 14 years.

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Tickets: €7 (incl. admission), reduced €3

Tickets for the city tours are available at the information desk in the foyer of the Museum of Forced Labor. Please buy your ticket at least 15 minutes before the start of the tour.

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