Art creates encounters with the past
The art project brings historical documents into the public sphere in an unusual and both digital and analogue way. It provides spontaneous, direct confrontations with the past—and with the topic of forced labor under National Socialism—in the midst of everyday life. The project aims to surprise people and raise questions, inspiring curiosity and an interest in history.
Private photographs made by forced laborers during their time in Nazi Germany form the core of these interventions. Young people present themselves with confidence and vitality. The way that they recount their memories and their dedications on the back of the photographs or sometimes their messages in the photographs themselves ground the seemingly harmless images in their specific context and reveal the conditions of forced labor in Germany.
The relationship between Germany and the forced laborers was shaped by the racism of National Socialism. This is reflected in the comprehensive rules and regulations that the Nazi authorities implemented in all spheres of life. The interventions transfer some of these regulations as “disruptors” into public space, especially in contexts where they would have applied in everyday life during the Nazi period: on public transportation, in the city realm, in cultural institutions, at work, and in leisure contexts.
We already have many supporters who are providing space for us to present the fates of forced laborers and who are helping to make visible the everyday, systematic racism of the Nazi period. They provide space in their publications, websites, venues, and postcard stands, on social media or city amenities, on buses, in railways stations, and at bus stations.
Working together with many others, we are making an appeal to our common social responsibility—timelier than ever—to take a stand against marginalization and support the respect for human dignity and unalienable human rights.
Every form of support enhances the reach of the project and this joint message.
If you would like to join our efforts, please contact us!
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our supporters:
Bastelladen Fricke | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, State Parliaent Faction, Thuringia | Deutsches Nationaltheater und Staatskapelle Weimar GmbH | Eckermann bookshop | Evangelical Lutheran Church District Weimar | Gaswerk Weimar e.V. | Leipzig Forced Labor Memorial (Gedenkstätte für Zwangsarbeit Leipzig) | Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) – Stamm Verlag GmbH | Youth, Culture and Education Centre (Jugend-, Kultur- & Bildungszentrum) mon ami | Klassik Stiftung Weimar | City Cinema at mon ami (Kommunales Kino im mon ami) | Kunstfest Weimar | Lichthaus Kino | Lesezirkel-Medien-Palette GmbH & Co.KG, Niederlassung Apolda | Museumshop GmbH Weimar | NS-Documentation Center oft he City of Cologne | ringladen Weimar | City of Weimar (Stadt Weimar) | Weimar municipal library (Stadtbibliothek Weimar) | Stadtwerke Weimar Stadtversorgungs-GmbH | Stadtwirtschaft Weimar GmbH | Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future | TEEBOUTIQUE am Schillermuseum | Thalia Germany, Weimar branch | Thuringian State Parliament | University Library, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | Adult Education Center (Volkshochschule) Weimar | weimar GmbH