Newsroom Veranstaltungen Team & Kontakt

Exhibition Talks

Would you like to explore our permanent exhibition in the company of our trained educational advisors? In a moderated tour, we will give you an overview of the various forms and places of Nazi forced labor. Selected case histories, objects and documents illustrate the complex topic of forced labor.

The first part of the exhibition can be seen, which works with large posters and enlarged photographs placed along the walls. The picture shows two people looking at the exhibition walls while moving.
An insight into the first part of the permanent exhibition

The Exhibition Talks take place at the following times:

Thursday 3 pm

Friday 11 am

Sunday 10.30 am

The group size is limited to 15 participants. The recommended minimum age is 14 years.

Duration: 2 hours

Tickets: €7 (incl. admission), reduced €3

Tickets for the Exhibition Talks are available at the information desk in the foyer of the Museum of Forced Labor. Please buy your ticket at least 15 minutes before the talk starts.


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