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Dr. Dorothee Schlüter

Research Associate in Strategic Communication and Public Relations | National Socialist Forced Labour / The Topography of Modernism

Portrait of Dr. Dorothee Schlüter
Dr. Dorothee Schlüter, 2021. Photo: Peter Hansen.

Dr. Dorothee Schlüter studied cultural studies, literature, and media sciences in Siegen, Frankfurt (Oder), and Santiago de Chile, receiving her B.A. in 2006, her M.A. in 2010, and her doctorate in 2013. 2013–2014 she worked as a research associate with Espacio Patrimonio (NGO: Advanced Studies in Cultural Heritage) in Santiago de Chile. 2016–2018 she was an associate in the programme department (culture programmes and social media) of the Goethe-Institut Chile. Since 2019 she has worked as a research associate of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation.

Research focuses:
External propaganda and press work during National Socialism, Nazi foreign cultural policy, research on migration and multiculturalism

Vom Kampfblatt zur Staatspropaganda: Die auswärtige Pressearbeit der NSDAP dokumentiert am Beispiel der NS-Wochenzeitschrift “Westküsten-Beobachter” aus Chile, Göttingen 2016.

Project collaborations (selection):
AppRecuerdos, a project of Rimini Protokoll and SonidoCiudad (Chile) in co-production with the Goethe-Institut, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura, Fundación Teatro a Mil, and Pro Helvetia (2017, director of production)

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